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2021 Espresso Drinks Forever First Class Postage Stamps

$25.99 USD
$0.00 USD
5 Sheets of 20 (100 Stamps)
15 Sheets of 20 (300 Stamps)
50 Sheets of 20 (1000 Stamps)
250 Sheets of 20(5000 Stamps)
500 Sheets of 20(10000 Stamps)
Only 991 left
Volume Pricing
$25.99 USD each
Free worldwide shipping
Free returns
Carbon neutral
Secure payments


In today's fast-paced world, caffeine is more wiely consumed than ever.  And one of the most popular ways people get it is with coffee.  Sometimes it is only in the morning, but many people drink it throughout the day.  However, it can be nice to slow down and have coffee that is a little more special.  That is where espresso drinks come in.

Espresso originated in Italy, but has since spread throughout the world.  It has even become popular in America.  In fact, in 2021, the United States Postal Service issued four new Forever stamps celebrating espresso drinks.  They picture the caffè latte, espresso, caffè mocha, and cappucino.  These are some of the most widely consumed espresso drinks in America, though there are many others.

Most Americans get their espresso fix from big-name coffee shops like Starbucks.  However, the best place to get an espresso drink is a cafe with baristas trained in the Italian method of brewing and preparing these beverages.  It can be hard to find these places, as they are often tucked away in the most unlikely of areas.  But once you do, the espresso you enjoy there will be like no other you have ever had.

The next time you crave espresso, find a local cafe to enjoy it.  It will be well worth it.  And, of course, supporting a local business mak